Monday, October 28, 2013

30ish Things That Are On My Mind.

1. I will tell you the truth about myself if I think you deserve it.

2. DON'T lie to me and let me find out.

3. I respect everyone until they do not respect me.

4. I trust NO ONE until they give me a reason to.

5. You will NEVER know everything about me.

6. Don't expect me to openly tell you things, you have to ask.

7. I'm thinking it for a reason.

8. Motivation is the only reason I'm still in school.

9. I want to have that car everyone stops and looks at, hence the motivation.

10. Art is my passion.

11. I write because I can't express my feelings otherwise.

12. I hate people who are pessimistic little bitches.

13. I still complain.

14. I use the word I too much.

15. Other people's happiness is what I live for.

16. I miss my Mother 24/7 if you can't deal with it get out of my life. Now.

17. I think I'm a bitch. Which in truth, I am to some.

18. I couldn't care less about what you think, other than my car.

19. I use clothing and shoes as my release for all the frustrations of life.

20. I believe in God.

21. I struggle with the idea of forever.

22. Fake people, need I say more.

23. I love Saint George, but have issues with memories here.

24. Music changes my mood easily.

25. I make choices that are stupid.

26. If you don't let me do what I want i.e. choices, you won't be in my life for long.

27. You cannot force me to do anything, even if you think you did.

28. I can be influenced.

29. Xbox helps.

30. I'm a happy person, despite the looks of this list.

31. I wish I trusted easier.

32. I like to believe I read people easily.

33. People I care about see my emotions, unedited.

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